5 ways to overcome the fear of showing yourself as you are


Hello …. How are you today?

In this week's podcast, we’re exploring the complexities we face when trying to be authentic and genuine in a world that often puts pressure on us to fit into certain molds.

Have you ever found yourself hiding important parts of yourself to be accepted?

Have you experienced the anxiety of not being able to express yourself freely for fear of judgment or criticism?

In the podcast, we’re unraveling these barriers that prevent us from showing ourselves as we truly are and discussing five powerful ways to overcome them. Get ready to dive into a journey of self-discovery and empowerment to reveal your true self.

We are:

  1. Exploring the paradox of social media and its ideal of success

  2. Discussing the story of two clients who are going through this issue

  3. Talking about the concept of the shadow, developed by Carl Jung

  4. Uncovering the most important limiting beliefs when it comes to this topic

  5. Offering 5 powerful ways to reverse the fear of being authentically ourselves


We’re also sharing with you an article that I wrote for Brainz Magazine on the same topic but from a completely different angle:


We hope you enjoy all this material!

A big hug ❤